At CES 2019 in January, TRC Robotics introduced TRaCy™, the world’s first Commercial Personal Robot™ built on the CPR-Platform™.
TRC’s CPR™ is a multipurpose service robot whose intelligence and functionality can be enhanced and extended by using cloud services and a variety of interchangeable software applications (apps). A CPR will have a longer useful life span simply by being able to install different apps for different purposes on the same robot.
The CPR next-generation development platform isolates software application development from the hardware. This allows software and IT developers to build service robot solutions as CPR-Apps™ without needing to build the robot; Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) will license the CPR-Platform and build the robot. Each OEM will produce differentiated CPR robots that share CPR-Apps. What Google’s Android platform does for smartphones, TRC’s CPR-Platform does for service robots.
Our vision for the service sector of the robot industry follows the history of technology adoption demonstrated by smartphones, tablets, and the early personal computer. As each of those technologies evolved, standard platforms entered the market and transformed it for the next stage of high growth. When multiple manufacturers can build compatible hardware, market adoption accelerates.
TRC’s CPR-Platform is the technology leader to bring such a transformation about.
TRC’s founding team brings together expertise in robotics, hardware and software development, cloud services and apps, video and presence technologies, engineering management, 3rd Party Developer Programs and ecosystems, Systems Integration, and ICT services. Our founding team members have extensive experience in technology startups and global technology companies, with our headquarters in Silicon Valley, CA USA.
TRC’s CPR-Platform disrupts the economics of the service sector of the robot industry.
When OEM’s produce TRC’s mass-market Commercial Personal Robots, the robot solution developer can focus on the software. This gives them much lower development costs than the competition.
We are open to comments, requests for functionality, and potential strategic relationships. Early adopters who have the need for a unique service robot (CPR, CPR-App, and CPR hardware accessories) should contact Harrison Rose, CEO for more information and to discuss their needs.
Investor inquiries, contact Harrison Rose, CEO for more information.